Be The Boss Of Bath Time In 4 Easy Steps
Bath time might be relaxing for some people, but for little ones, it’s a boring daily chore that probably means dreaded bedtime isn’t far off! Baths can turn into a drama, with kids kicking, screaming, and running in the other direction, tiring out the adults in charge of getting them clean. So we’ve put together some tips for banishing bath time battles and becoming the boss of the wash.
1. Soapy, Safe & Secure
There are plenty of reasons some kids don’t like baths – the temperature, fear of slipping, fear of getting their heads wet or soap in their eyes, or fear of that scary looking black hole known as the drain. The simplest way to get to the bottom of what’s bothering them is to ask. Most of this stuff has a simple fix, like a slip mat on the bottom of the tub, some funny googly eyes on the plug hole to make it look friendlier or Dabble and Dollop shampoos and conditioners, which are nice and gentle on the eyes. In fact, letting them pour out their own shampoo, adjust the temperature themselves and take control of their dip can really reassure them that the bath’s not a scary place after all.
2. Make The Tub Tempting!
Let’s be honest, it’s tough to quit in the middle of a game, come in from playing outdoors or leave an imaginary universe full of magic and imagination (where no one has to wash or go to bed). The answer? Make bath time just as fun! Between our Dabble and Dollop sticker sheets, whips, bath bombs and potions, fruity bath kits and Dabble Ducky for the tiniest tots, we’ve made it easy to keep play going in the tub. Associating favorite toys, games and activities with bath time helps kids look forward to diving in, whatever they might be up to beforehand!
3. Build Up To Bath Time
Make it a little bit easier for them to stop what they’re doing by giving them plenty of notice that bath time’s coming up, so they can find a good place to finish. Building bath time into a regular routine means they know what to expect - but we’re big fans of compromise too. If they’re totally absorbed in something creative and you’ve got time to spare, there’s no harm in being a little flexible. You might even have time to grab a glass of something nice and an extra minute to yourself! Everyone’s a winner.
4. Champions Of The Tub!
And speaking of winners, kids who get through bath time without a fuss deserve a reward. Save a favorite cuddly toy for after, or let them pick out a favorite book and chill out while you read it together. Less time fighting the bath means more time to relax, and whatever that involves, they earned it. High five!